Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science
"Scientific and Technological Centre of Unique Instrumentation"
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Seminar & Exhibition STC UI RAS 2020


December 23, 2020


Scientific and Technological Centre of Unique Instrumentation
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Format of the event: offline and remote (ZOOM) + online exhibition


We are glad to invite You to take a part in the Workshop-Exhibition “Modern devices
for physical investigations”
which will be held on December 23, 2020,
at STC UI RAS, Russia, Moscow, Butlerova str., 15

The main goal of the exhibition is the development of devices and technical systems for optics, spectroscopy, radio engineering, transmission, storage and signal processing. It is planned to discuss modern achievements in instrument engineering and development of technical systems at the seminar.


10-30 Opening ceremony Conference Hall, ONLINE
full day Exhibition online
10:30-13:00 Plenary Talks Conference Hall, ONLINE
full day Poster session online

For registration kindly send email request on expo@ntcup.ru  with mark «Exhibition-2020»

The application must specify the exhibited equipment, its brief characteristics, technical conditions of placement (dimensions, weight, electricity demand, etc.), as well as the number of persons who will represent it (browse the file «Participation-MDPR-EXPO-2020.rtf »).

To participate in the seminar, attach the topics and annotations of the planned presentations.

Applications are selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

Participation is free of charge


Address:      117342, Russia, Moscow, Butlerova str., 15

Phone:         +7 (495) 333-61-02

E-mail:        expo@ntcup.ru

WEB:          https://ntcup.ru/en/expo2020/